Best Instagram Reels Hook Ideas to Reel in Your Audience

Short-form Reels are all the rage these days. But does everyone go viral? No. You need the right Instagram Reels hook ideas that complement the content. Doesn’t matter if you’re an artist, a solopreneur, or a winning founder, you need the perfect Reels hooks for your business.

Here’s a list of Instagram hook examples for businesses, along with content suggestions.

Let’s check them out!

Best Instagram Reels Hook Ideas to Reel in Your Audience


Idea 1: “A day in my life as…”

This Insta Reel hook is for Reels where you’re sharing a recording of, well, a part of your day. Most suitable for solopreneurs and startup founder profiles.

Idea 2: “How I overcame my fear of…”

You can plug this hook in a Reel where you want to share a life story, even if that fear is a tiny part of the story. Best suited to growing startup founders.

Idea 3: “Morning ritual to productive days!”

A hook idea similar to idea one, it’s a fit for those who wake up and get the most out of their morning. Suited for founders as well as company executives.

Idea 4: “Why I do x!”

This hook, again, is suitable for founders as well as company executives. It’s a variation of the above hook and can be hooked to a business process Reel content.

Idea 5: “Did you know…”

A hook best suited for when you’re sharing an interesting fact about an industry or product. Can be used by independent content creators the best.

Idea 6: “Watch this tutorial on…”

This hook is a direct call to action that grabs attention. Perfect for educational Reel content, especially for product businesses who want to guide their customers.

Idea 7: “The best way to…”

This hook is perfect for sharing expert advice, life hacks and industry insights. All businesses and content creators can use it for their Reels

Idea 8: “Quick hack to…”

Just like the Reel hook above, this hook is perfect for sharing quick and practical solutions to a problem. B2C businesses can use it with the best results and increase the audience base.

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Idea 9: “From… to… in x days”

This Insta Reel hook is best suited for startup founders and solopreneurs. You can use it while sharing your growth journey and connect with the audience.

Idea 10: “Before and after x.”

This hook is for the specific before and after format Reel where you share a transformation. All businesses can use it to post customers’ makeovers as a visual journey.

Idea 11: “You’re doing x wrong!”

It’s a great hook for content creators and newbie startup founders. When you’re offering a better approach to something, this hook goes with it.

Idea 12: “If you’re doing x, see this…”

This hook is designed to catch the attention of that Reel-specific audience. All businesses can use it to promote something, whether a makeup routine or a productivity hack.

Idea 13: “Tried this new way to…”

It’s a hook similar to idea eleven, perfect for sharing your experience with a new approach, method or trend. Suits best for content creators with an engaged audience.

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Idea 14: “We bet you didn’t know this!”

This hook is best for businesses to share about a feature/product, mind-blowing information, or a little-known fact. It’s one of the viral hooks for Instagram that grabs attention right away.

Idea 15: “Save this video!”

Like the hook above, this can be plugged into content with product announcements or feature launches. It also goes well for tips and process Reels.

Idea 16: “This will change your life.”

Another way to share a life hack is through this hook. It arrests your audience’s attention in an instant. Best for content creators, startups and businesses making something groundbreaking.

Idea 17: “Stop using…”

It’s the best hook to use in a Reel that’s comparing you and your competitor. Whether a beauty product not delivering results or an ineffective fitness trend, this hook demands attention.

Idea 18: “You need to see this.”

This is another scroll-stopping hook that works for everyone. Whatever Reel you create, this hook fits in to create immediate attention and excitement.

Idea 19: “You need this.”

A variation of the above Insta Reel hook that goes well with product/service showcase Reels. Use this hook if you’re new to business or showing off a new product launch.

Idea 20: “This will blow your mind.”

A similar hook to idea eighteen, it’s one of the most used Instagram Reels hooks for showing off a lesser-known product or feature. Can be used by all businesses and content creators.

Idea 21: “Things to do when…”

Use this hook to make common scenarios or challenges watch-worthy. Suits regular content creators better than businesses or founders.

Idea 22: “Which design do you prefer?”

Want to engage some help from the audience? Use this hook with a poll-type Reel for viewers to share their perspectives. It can even be a day-to-day decision.

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Idea 23: “Tag a friend who needs to see this.”

This Reel hook is the best to grow your audience through referrals. A direct call to action to spread the word. Suitable for all business/individual profiles when you post resonating content.

Idea 24: “The biggest mistake I made in my business.”

Use this hook when you’re sharing a business lesson. Whether some valuable advice or your vulnerable side, this hook fits the bill. Good for business owners as well as entrepreneurs.

Idea 25: “We goofed up big!”

It’s another way to hook your audience on your mistakes. Suited to all businesses that are fun online. Goes well with funny blooper Reels and failed experiments.

Idea 26: “The next big thing on Instagram!”

Among the most common Instagram hook examples is this. This hook suits a Reel, whether you’re sharing a new feature or an emerging Reel trend. Suitable for content creators.

Idea 27: “Watch until the end!”

And if you can’t think of anything else, slap “Watch until the end!” to your Reel. Whether the Reel is about a surprising twist or a series of valuable tips, this hook keeps your audience hooked.


Instagram Reels Hook Ideas: What now?

Now, you go and test these Instagram Reels hook ideas. These hooks are bound to increase your Reels view time. And who knows, one (or few) of them goes viral.

Need help with Instagram growth? Blusteak is here for you.

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