Amazon Product Photography Rates and Negotiation Tips

Product photography is more than just showcasing a product online. It’s about telling a story through the product and creating an experience that attracts buyers. Thus, it’s important to know the average product photography rates for Amazon India.

This article is all about Amazon product photography rates, the factors that influence pricing, and negotiation tips for affordable rates. It’s time to bring the spotlight to your products.

Let’s dive in.


5 Factors Influencing Photography Rates

1. Size of products

It’s pretty self-explanatory that oversized items often require complex setups and handling compared to smaller products. The size of products, thus, influences the overall cost of the photo shoot, playing a key role in determining product photography rates.

2. Quantity of products

The more, the merrier, they say, but it’s also the more complex when it comes to Amazon product photography. Larger quantities demand additional time and effort, affecting the pricing structure. You may get bulk discounts, but there’s a limit to it. So, quantity matters.

3. Product pricing

The value of your products can also impact photography rates. Think about it! Higher-priced items may require more attention to detail and creative effort. Luxury items, for example, have a niche audience. So, you often need a specific theme to make the product resonate with your target market.

4. Product styling and props

Then, the cost of props and styling arrangements is also included in eCommerce photography pricing. Specific locations, elaborate setups, and additional props may incur additional charges. You need them sometimes to heighten your product’s visual appeal.

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5. Image editing and retouching

The magic of photoshoots often happens post-production, and the cost is included in product photography rates. A little colour collection, fine-tuning contrast and adjusting reflections and highlights go a long way in increasing your product’s charm. The process refines the images to give them that perfect look of seduction.

Amazon Product Photography Rates and Negotiation Tips


Average Product Photography Rates in India

The most common pricing method for product photography in India is per-product pricing. We have found that the average Amazon product photography pricing in India ranges from ₹500 to ₹2500 per product. This is for bulk product photography when you have 100+ products.

Blusteak offers photography services with affordable commercial product photography pricing. And we offer it at a minimum of only five products. Our eCommerce photography rates are flat, ₹1300 per product, irrespective of your product’s size.

We also offer additional services like Amazon product listing, eCommerce ads and marketing-purpose graphics needed for business growth.

Amazon Product Photography Rates and Negotiation Tips


Negotiation Tips for Photography Rates

1. Look for bulk photography discounts

The best way to get reasonable Amazon product photography pricing is to plan a bulk product photoshoot. Photographers often offer discounts based on the number of products they have to click. And you may get attractive pricing in return.

2. Suggest long-term partnership discounts

Building a lasting relationship with your photographer can also bring you a good average price for product photography. Photographers appreciate long-term collaboration. And the promise of continued business can bring down the photography rates significantly.

3. Check for remote photography deals

Explore remote product photography options when possible, as on-site photography can cost you a fortune. It saves you from paying pricey transportation and setup costs. You can have your product delivered to the studio and let your photographers care for the rest.

4. Discuss flexible payment terms

When negotiating the deal, you can also discuss extended payment terms instead of paying the money at once. Installments make it easy to manage business costs without going cheap on product photography.

5. Explore barter trade opportunities

Negotiate a valuable barter product/service with the photographer if possible. It’s a win-win situation for both. You get the services of a photographer, and they get products as per the mutual arrangement. In monetary terms, bartering is often beneficial for your business.

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FAQs about Amazon Product Photography Pricing

1. Does Amazon take pictures of products?

Amazon doesn’t have any dedicated product shot photography service. You need to add your own product images that meet Amazon’s image requirements. Blusteak Media offers Amazon product photography with its eCommerce management and marketing service.

2. Is product photography expensive?

It isn’t. Product photography isn’t really expensive when you consider the return on investment you get. Good product images can increase the click-through rate, conversion rate and sales of your Amazon products.

3. How much does Amazon product photography cost?

The average product photography rates for Amazon in India are between ₹500 and ₹2500 per product. However, there’s a catch: expect these rates only when you have a lot of products to photograph, like 100+ products.

Blusteak Media offers Amazon photography services for a minimum of only five products, of any size. And it’s available at just ₹1300 per product.

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Get high-quality Amazon product photography

On Amazon, product photographs are the first thing buyers see in search results. It’s the only factor that makes them click/tap on the item (or not). You can’t afford to neglect the quality of images. So, focus on the sales you can get with good photographs instead of Amazon product photography rates.

Need help with Amazon photography? Get in touch with Blusteak

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