What is the Ideal Cost of FB Lead Gen Ads in India? [RESEARCH]

Everyone wants high-quality leads at a low cost per lead (CPL). Lower the CPL, higher are the profits. That’s why marketers are trying to use FB Lead Gen Ads and track the cost of FB Lead Gen Ads in India.

So, in this article, we’re exploring this Lead Gen Ad format of Facebook Advertising. The article will help you understand how Lead Generation FB Ads work, what’s the average cost per lead in such Facebook Ads, and how you can reduce the costs.

Let’s dive in.


What are Facebook Lead Ads?

FB Lead Generation Ads are a form of direct response advertising with only one objective: to capture qualified leads.

It’s a quick way to collect information from your target audience. When people click the CTA, they get a form pre-filled with basic information pulled from their FB profile. FB Lead Gen Ads remove the friction of taking audience to a landing page and having to fill the information.

Everything happens within one platform, making data collection easier for you.

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How Facebook Lead Gen Ads work?

Facebook Lead Gen Ads appear like any other FB Ads in the newsfeed. But the ad copy is usually more “long form.” It’s because the viewers aren’t taken to a separate landing page.

You need to tell everything about the lead magnet in the ad copy itself. Your audience will decide whether or not to click on the ad, based on the info you provide in the ad itself.

When users click on the ad, the Facebook lead form pops up. Using the form, you can collect information like name, email address, phone number and more. These are pre-filled for the user. But you can also add custom questions to know more about that lead.

Facebook Lead Gen Ads exampleAfter users fill in the required info and submit the form, you get their information. That’s it! You can download your leads data from the Ads Manager.

A Facebook Lead Generation campaign is mostly used to collect emails or get subscribers for newsletters. But it’s also helpful in collecting feedbacks and customer enquiries or offering limited-time deals and promotions.

Now, let’s check the cost for FB Ads in India.


What is the cost of running FB Ads in India?

When it comes to the price of FB Ads, there’s no sure-shot answer.

The cost depends on a lot of factors. And every industry will have a different average cost of FB Lead Gen Ads in India. For some, you might get a CPL as low as ₹1 while for others, it might be ₹1000. For example, the lead cost for stationery items will always be lower than that of a luxury beach cottage.

Factors such as bidding model, target audience and ad relevance also affect the CPL. And so does the market competition.

But we’ll help you understand the average cost of Facebook Ads.

We collected data from the Facebook Ad campaigns for our clients across different industries. And we are answering all your questions next.

cost of running FB Ads in India

Cost of FB Lead Gen Ads in India

Following are the FB Lead Form Ad costs across different industries in India:

1) What is the average cost of Facebook Lead Gen in Health industry?

The cost of Facebook Leads in Health industry averages between ₹20 – ₹30.

2) What is the usual Lead Generation cost for Home Interior services?

The cost of leads for Interior Decor and Construction Industry falls between ₹90 – ₹100.

3) What is the average cost of FB Lead Generation in EdTech industry?

Average lead generation cost in EdTech industry is around ₹20 – ₹25.

4) What is the ideal cost of leads for Fashion brands?

For Fashion brands, the cost per click averages between ₹7 – ₹8. The ROAS can be anywhere between 2x-4x.

5) What is the cost of FB Lead Gen Ads for Higher Education?

The average cost of lead generation for Higher Education is between ₹70 – ₹90.

6) What is the average cost of Lead Gen Ads in B2B industry?

In B2B industry, the usual cost of leads falls between ₹110 – ₹130.

7) What is the Lead Gen cost for Electronics?

The average cost of FB Lead Gen for Electronic devices and Home appliances is between ₹10 – ₹15.

8) What is the cost of leads for Retail industry apps?

In case of app install leads, the cost per app install is around ₹10 – ₹15.

Note: The numbers for FB Ads leads above are what we observed during our campaigns. You might see some variations, resulting in higher or lower ad costs for yours.

Next, let’s understand how to keep Facebook advertising cost to minimal.


How can I cut the cost of my Facebook Ads?

The cost of Lead Generation Ads in India depends on a variety of factors. And following are the few ways to reduce the cost per lead:

  • Understand your target audience:

Facebook has over 400 targeting options. So, when you understand your audience well, you can target only the highly qualified leads and reduce your CPL. Also, you need to find if your target audience is on Facebook, else you’ll get low or no leads.

  • Make your ad relevant:

The communication in your ad copy should be relevant to your target audience and their needs. Also, your ad copy should be created keeping in mind the awareness about your products or services among your audience.

  • Test and analyse the results:

Even when you’re getting good results, try changes in your ad copy and targeting. You find some other ad copy gets you better results. Analyse the results at regular intervals to run only the effective Facebook Ads and cut the cost.

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Wrapping it up

We hope you have got a fair idea of what Facebook Lead Generation Ads are, the cost of FB Lead Gen Ads in India and how to minimise the cost.

If your FB Ads still aren’t converting well, we would like to help. With Blusteak Media, you will get better qualified leads and grow your business.

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